Land: How Polish Grassroots Initiatives Help Farmers and New Entrants

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Land: How Polish Grassroots Initiatives Help Farmers and New Entrants

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Agro-Perma-Lab was named a case of good practice in the EU Ruralisation project, as part of research on Polish educational initiatives that support agroecological transition. Interviews were conducted among others by Robert Skrzypczyński et al and the full length article “Beyond Supporting Access to Land in Socio-Technical Transions” published in the Land academic journal. The […]

Przekrój: “On recreating local food systems” at APLab Foundation

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In the summer edition of the PRZEKRÓJ Quarterly, you can find a plethora of interesting articles on permaculture, water management, and contact with nature in a summer garden. In the section “Among Us Foundations,” the NGO column in this issue is dedicated to the Agro-Perma-Lab Foundation. Under the title “Traditional Practices and New Knowledge: Rebuilding […]

Green Podcast for the Summer: should supermarkets end up in the museum?

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This week saw the opening of the “Supermarket Museum” – an international project organized by the AgroPermaLab Foundation, offering a critical perspective on the “culture of supermarkets.” This culture, as the creators describe it, displaces the values of social solidarity and ethical food production. Artists, agroecology and permaculture leaders, as well as volunteers from around […]

Dwutygodnik: Permaculture in the network and the network of permaculture

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Permaculture in the network and permaculture network – nothing can replace live meetings, training on farms and visits to gardens, but thanks to online events such as the Forum of Permaculture Educators, our activities can become wider and touch groups that have been so far beyond our reach. Use edges and value the marginal, as […]

Podcast: Polish Permaculture with AgroPermaLab and Morag Gamble, Episode 50

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This podcast explores ‘what now’ — what thinking do we need to navigate a positive and regenerative way forward; what does a thriving one-planet way of life look like; where should we putting our energy. In this changing world and in challenging times, we offer these voices of clarity and common sense. Morag Gamble, permaculture […]