Przekrój: “On recreating local food systems” at APLab Foundation

In the summer edition of the PRZEKRÓJ Quarterly, you can find a plethora of interesting articles on permaculture, water management, and contact with nature in a summer garden.

In the section “Among Us Foundations,” the NGO column in this issue is dedicated to the Agro-Perma-Lab Foundation. Under the title “Traditional Practices and New Knowledge: Rebuilding Local Food Systems,” you can read about the mission of the foundation and its vision of social and ecological transformation, which integrates various pedagogical and agroecological approaches and practices.

“Our future depends on how we treat the environment and think about food production. […] modern agriculture, which allows us to avoid global crises – including ecological, climatic, and economic ones – should be based on three pillars. The first is caring for the soil, which is currently being poisoned by industrial farming. The second is biodiversity, and the third is knowledge and trust.”